Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well, this is a learning experience.........so today I learned. Adding the stupid playlist to this blog took way too much time, but I got it. These kind of things drive me crazy. I am a bulldog that way. Maybe I should look into that a bit more. Could be the source of other problems. Anyway, summer school is finished and I am on vacation. Sometime soon I am going to relax, difficult for me to do. I tend to feel guilty when I relax, where does that come from? Things I am thankful for? Beautiful weather, a landlady to fix things on the house, free time, and turning the daily alarm off! Till next time!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My First Blog!

Ok - I am definitely new to this. I read other's blogs and think.......I should do that. So here it is. What I will do with it, I have no idea. Maybe I can begin to build a sense of self and confidence again, something that has been missing for too long. Anyway, it's a start. Thanks Missy, for encouraging me.........................well, let's see how it goes :)