Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hello Friends!  Yes, it has been a long time since I posted.  Things here are calm and uneventful - a wonderful contrast to last summer.  Andrew and I have been sleeping late, doing our own things, growing vegetables and herbs, and resting.  Why is rest so hard to come by?  I have become a homebody who fiercely protects my time at home.  I guess I am at a point in my life where there are few places I would rather be than home.  These past 2 years have been so humbling and have refocused my attention on what is really, REALLY, important.  Family, friends, work.  The rest is simply extra - nice, but not necessary.  Andrew and I are heading to Santa Rosa, FL next week for a vacation at Aunt Melissa's beach house.  It will be so awesome!  Nothing to do all day except lie in the sun, swim, cook dinner, and play cards.  Andrew's Florida grandparents and Melissa and Andrea will be there too, so it is a family vacation.  So many people think my relationship with my ex-inlaws is strange.  It isn't.  When I got married, they became part of my family.  The same is true with Ron's sister Melissa.  Just because my marriage didn't work doesn't mean they aren't still family.  I am very fortunate that they are great people, and I know others aren't as blessed, but I often can't understand why people just cut entire parts out of their lives.  I can't!  Plus, they are Andrew's family and it is important for him to have a loving relationship with them.  I am going to include a couple of pictures from the last time we were at the beach house in this post.

The Beach House
Tan and happy!

Infinity pool looks out to the Gulf Of Mexico

On a sad note, my friend Dianne is moving away.  You may or may not know that I have many acquaintances in my life, but very few close friends. When I make friends they are for life - as they will tell you!  I am very, very slow to let people in.  While this has been true most of my life, it is more so now.  I guess the philosophy is the same one I have about dating - if I don't let anyone in then they can't hurt me.  Let's not dig into that, the theory is flawed, I know.  Anyway, Dianne is moving to Rolla.  While she will be back some and we can go visit them, I won't have that close companion at school every day, and I am sad.  She and I haven't really thought about it all summer, but Tuesday in the pool  I realized that Friday will be our last day together.  She will be on vacation, then I will be on vacation, and then she will be gone.  I can't imagine how I will get along.  I am NOT saying that the other people I work with aren't wonderful, but our bond is special and I have become a better person by knowing Dianne, George, and Emilie.  My heart hurts!

This is Dianne wearing the highly covetted green necklace that my sister wanted.

The red truck Nana and Grandpa bought.
It is older than him, but he LOVES It!
I am LOVING Andrew being a driver.  He takes himself from place to place, can go to the store for me, and is being responsible about his own "stuff".  I haven't had the worry that goes along with him staying out late at night - that will come, but this new freedom on his part has added to the joy of this peaceful summer!  I hope your summer has been as peaceful and relaxing as mine has!  Until next time - Julie