Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Thoughts

Hello!  Yes, it has been a long time!  School, and all that goes with it, has started. The beginning of the year is always so hectic.  One quarter down, three to go.   I am trying a new philosophy this year.  I do what I can, when I can, and then leave the heartache at school.  This works, sort of, but makes me feel guilty.  It is just that I know there are so many kids who have problems I can't solve.  There is no reason for me to allow myself to get sick over it.  I am there for them and do what I can, but am trying NOT to bring it home.  Anyway, there are plenty of problems at home.  Ha!  Andrew is regularly testing me, but I know in a couple of years he won't be here and I will be lonely.

The weather has cooled and now I start thinking about Christmas.  I have started making new necklaces this weekend.  I missed it!  I really enjoy making the pendants and time just flies by when I am working on them.  We can't eat dinner at the table, but who cares?  Tonight is popcorn and peanuts for dinner anyway.  This is my favorite time in the sports year.  One can watch football during the day and baseball in the evening.  The St. Louis Cardinals are always fun to watch in October.  While my love of all things Cardinals isn't passionate, it certainly has been going on most of my 47 years.  There was a time when the Cardinals would win a World Series every time a girl was born into our family.  No baby this year, but a Series would be a nice diversion.

Watch for a blog this week with pictures of my new pendant designs!  Until next time - Julie