Sunday, February 26, 2012


My great friend Tracey sending me out the door!  She was so patient and kind.  I put my makeup on wrong, forgot hairspray, couldn't finish sentences.........I was a mess!
This, my friends, is what fear looks like!  I took a big step on Friday and went on a date.  Yes!  A real date........and it was very, very nice.  Only time will tell if there is a 2nd, but the simple act of preparing for and going on this date is a cornerstone.  The world didn't end, I didn't explode in fright, he wasn't an axe murderer, and I appeared to keep his attention and add to interesting conversation.  To say the least, I am proud of myself.  Those of you that know me well have been so supportive - and I am so grateful!

Fear is a funny thing!  I have plenty of self confidence to do a lot of really difficult things. I think nothing of walking into a room full of strangers and striking up a conversation.  I enjoy singing in front of 500 friends and strangers.  I have no trouble articulating my thoughts and ideas in an intelligent way.  This date, however, had me shaking in my boots and almost unable to get out of the car.  I have allowed emotional fears to insulate me from experiencing these feelings and that MUST STOP.  I must change the way I look at this part of my life.  I also must tackle the physical insulation I have allowed to accumulate.  My thought process was that if I was physically unattractive (weight-wise) then no one would be interested and thus hurt me.  Totally flawed, but it has kept me "safe" for quite a while.  I am still on target with my New Year's resolution - A New Vision.

Certainly, there is plenty of my resolution that has nothing to do with relationships and dating, but this was a HUGE week, and, Just for Julie!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Progress - Baby Steps!

Hello!  It is a beautiful President's Day weekend with sunshine and warm weather.  It has really not been winter in Missouri the past few months.  All the snow days built into the school calendar have turned into lovely 4 day weekends!  Another couple of weeks in school and we will be ready for Spring Break.

So, remember how I said I was trying for a new vision this year?  Well, progress has been made, fears have been overcome, and new adventures loom on the horizon.  No details, but know that I am working on creating a new segment of my life that is just for me!  Just Julie!

Basketball is winding down and I am glad.  It is such a long season, but Andrew loves, loves, loves it.  He will take several weeks off and spend his time getting ready for music contests. No solo this year, but lots to prepare for chamber choir and small groups.  His choir has been invited to sing in our state capital on Wednesday, but all the details haven't been ironed out.  I hope to be joining them as a chaperone.  High school was a fun time - so much to experience and learn!  Here is a picture of my basketball hero!

I have started Spring Cleaning and for one of the first times, I am really prepared to eliminate things in my life that serve no purpose.  I guess I will just start stashing stuff away and have a big garage sale this summer............oh how I hate garage sales!

Have a great week!  Until later,  Julie