Sunday, April 17, 2011

Welcome Spring!

Hello friends!  Yes, it has been awhile since my last post.  I have been busy making necklaces and getting through the winter doldrums.  I am going to blame my last blog on that - although I did get a new printer.  My dad went out the next day with Andrew and bought a new wireless printer.  It lives upstairs, so now it is even easier to print and go!  Thanks so much Mom and Dad.  In this blog I am going to wish for a million dollars - think I'll get it?

Spring is finally here.  Andrew is struggling with allergies as he always does, but the house is so much better with the windows open and the flowers blooming.  I am preparing my deck for a bigger, better herb garden this summer and planning to plant more tomatoes.
Wal-Mart yesterday had tomato plants in a pot - already caged - with blooms and tomatoes already on them. I may have to go back today for one of those - I just can't resist!  Even though I know it won't be hot enough for a good tomato for a long time, I just can't get that tomato plant out of my mind!

Here is a sampling from my new Spring necklaces.  If you are interested, come to my classroom on Wed. April 20 at 3:30.  I will have them on display along with the wonderful Thirty One products.  I just discovered this company and love the products - purses and totes!  I have picked out the bag I want for my music.  I will have "Julie's Music" put on it.  Little things like that make me so happy lately.

I just got back from Wal-Mart and the new tomato plants are green on my deck.  This, too, makes me happy.  Till next time, Julie