Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yes, It's Been A While

   Well, here it is March and I haven't blogged since January.  So much for my good intentions. I will start again.  While time has passed, not much has changed.  Andrew was successful in his basketball season - and is sporting a jacket to prove it.  If he will allow me to take a picture I might add it later. That, it would appear, is the extent of the excitement here.  I find myself extremely sluggish.  I crawl into bed and watch the same movies over and over until I fall asleep.  While I have so much going on in my life that I can't keep track of it, I am overcome with the feeling that there is a lot missing.  I need to start with necklaces again - they gave me a goal and a purpose.  I felt successful.  I haven't made any lately because my printer isn't working.  How sad is it that something so simple has kept me from doing something I really enjoyed?  OK  - a new chapter starts today.
   This melancholy might come from my fixation on Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones movies this past month.  I find myself pining for a "Mr. Darcy".  No one has a fairy tale life, but I am a bit tired of being alone.  Even the most annoying habits of another human might be better than my current sense of aloneness. I guess I should watch "It's A Wonderful Life" again......... Enough, enough, enough. ENOUGH!
    The tax-woman brought good news my way, and so this year of trials, wake-up calls, and new beginnings is coming to a close.  I have weathered the most difficult year in my life.  One might say I am better for it - I know in my heart it is true.  I am strong, independent, confident, and surrounded by people who love me.  That gives me great comfort.
    You know that John Lennon song "Beautiful Boy"?  There is a line in there......."Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."  That's what this feels like.  This isn't the life I signed up for, but it seems to be the life I got.  That sounds like I am a spoiled brat, but really I am not.  I just thought that by this time in my life, I would have it all figured out. Sadly, I have nothing figured out!  Enough!  This is not a pity party.

Here are the pictures of my Beautiful Boy!

     Hopefully, I will have some blogs soon about new Spring designs for pendants.  I am going to shop tonight, print tomorrow at Mom and Dad's, and maybe post tomorrow night.  How is that for a fresh start?  Have a great Saturday night with your best boy or girl.  I will be with my boy - who now wants to go to the store for chocolate chips to make cookies tonight.  Until later, Julie