Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sing A Song

Hello Friends!  Most of you know that I sing.  I sing a lot!  I sing all the my house, in the shower, in my car, at school in my head...................everywhere.  I think I was born singing!  In our spring concert for the Kirksville Community Choir, we are singing this wonderful song from Sesame Street - "Sing"  Remember that song?  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song.  I loved it when I was younger - although I wasn't a Sesame Street child.  I am too old to be from the Sesame Street generation, but it was on the television in our house because of my brother.  Some songs just make you happy and this is one of them!  It really captures my philosophy about singing.  Before I tell you my philosophy, maybe I should give you some history.

Music has always come easily to me.  It's a part of my life - much like my left arm.  I could function with just my right arm, but everything is better when I can use both!  Music is there when we are happy, when we are sad, when we are celebrating, and when we are mourning.  Music has a way of expressing feelings much more easily than our words can - at least for me.  It has always allowed me to say things that I can't find the courage to say in spoken words.  I took piano lessons when I was 8 or 9 years old and then started again when I was 12 or so.  Music is something that you have for your entire life.  I still play the piano - albeit not well - when I find the time to sit down and enjoy it.  Singing is even better than that because you have it with you all the time.............but I digress.  I sang all through school in various choirs - the kindergarten glee club, music classes and concerts, jr high choir, church choirs and finally the high school choir.  I was not, however, a soloist until college and after.  I was asked to sing in my first wedding the summer before my freshman year of college.  I had a year to get used to the idea and prepare.  An important person in my life at that time was skeptical about my ability to do this.  He/she told me that they "didn't think I was that good."  That was a challenge to me!  Now this person wasn't being mean, I think she/he just didn't think that I was up to the task.  I wanted to be a soloist!  I began to work hard.  I sang all the time after that, mostly in my car.  Even after this person was no longer in my life, I continued to sing.  I sang at my cousin's wedding the summer after my freshman year and never looked back. I took vocal lessons one spring at NMSU and learned how to breathe correctly.  I sang in many of my sorority sisters' weddings and learned that I COULD do this.  Crowds didn't much bother me and I had been exposed to lots of large audiences through my piano and choir experiences.  Singing in front of 500 people or more isn't an issue for me.  There is, however, a secret.  I have a personal philosophy that allows me not to worry about being a soloist at all!

The Sesame Street song says "Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear.  Just sing, sing a song."  That's my philosophy.  I sing my best.  If people don't like it, they won't ask me again.  That's it!  I know that seems kind of harsh, but it allows me to throw out my worry about people getting what they want when they ask me to sing.  I sang at a lovely benefit on Saturday for the Genesis House in Edina, MO.  I loved the song I sang, so I felt comfortable.  I just walked up on stage, put on my pink glasses (which blur everything out in the audience because they are readers) picked up the mic, and started to sing.  I usually look in the audience for a friendly face - last night it was John in the front row.  As usual, the first phrase was a bit shakey, but then my philosophy kicked in!  I can't be nervous  - that's silly!  What's the worst that could happen?  They won't ask me again.  Problem solved!  From then on I sang well.  (at least I think I did!)  Here's the thing.  I.LOVE.IT!  That's why I do it.

So, friends, SING!  Don't worry that it's not good enough, for anyone else to hear.  Just sing, sing a song!  Enjoy the beautiful spring weather.  I know I am!  Until next time,   Just Julie

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